Puta Bird Farm
Puta Bird Farm
4. INO Male and Female Baby Budgies
4. INO Male and Female Baby Budgies
4. INO Male and Female Baby Budgies
Male Albino-
Female Albino-
Male(left) and female(right)
1. Budgies Sex
2.Baby Female Budgies
3.Baby Male Budgies
4. INO Male and Female Baby Budgies
5. Pigment Variation Effects on The Cere
6. Mature Females Budgies
7. Mature Males Budies
8. Male Recessive pied - Dark eyed clear and like cere colors
Budgie Information
Budgie Parakeet Food and Feeding Recommendations
Build Budgie Cages
How to Build Budgie Cages
How To Care For A Parakeet
Things your budgie should NOT eat:
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Budgie Parakeet Food and Feeding Recommendations
2.Baby Female Budgies
4. INO Male and Female Baby Budgies