Budgie Information

Budgie Information

The budgie (also known as Budgerigar, undulatus Melopsittacus, parakeet, parakeet shell or budgerigah). actually part of the parrot tribe referred to as "Broad-tailed Parrots". Although Budgies are often called Parakeets, the term "Parakeet" actually refers to one of a number of small parrots with a long flat tail. But to make things easier, then we just call parakeets. Parakeets are social animals and are able to adapt to other budgies and humans, they are also very intelligent animals so they enjoy playing with toys and things like wood to chew. Information Parakeet
Habitat:Parakeets are usually found in various regions of the Australian dryer interior, but they can also be found in semi-arid and sub-humid parts. There are also some seasonal movements for budgies, where they can move north during the winter. Parakeets can be found in spinifex, dry mallee and mulga rubbing, river forests and agricultural land. The budgie population in the wild is estimated to be around 5,000,000.

Budgie biology:The life expectancy of a parakeet is quite varied, averaging around 4-9 years, but some can live up to 15 years, and some have a fairly short period.
Sex can be determined by color (around the nostrils). Males usually have dark blue cereals, they are generally easier to train than female parakeets. Females can be identified from Ceres, which are whitish, which usually changes color (sometimes crusty) brown during breeding conditions, they can be harder to train than men because they are usually more dominant and stubborn, they are also more vocal compared to male parakeets
Nursery season can occur at any time of the year, with couples able to have several clutches (each clutch contains 4-8 eggs).

The average size is 18-20cm, weighing around 20-40g. Interestingly, Parakeets raised in captivity are usually slightly larger than those born in the wild
Budgie Anatomi
Anatomi Budgie Jantan

other interesting information: Australian parakeets have been known to see in the ultra-violet spectrum and their feathers are known to glow under ultraviolet light indicating that their feathering fluorescence is related to courtship and spouse selection.

With the domestication of the budgie there has given birth to a minimum of 32 different basic color mutations, this allows for hundreds of possible secondary mutations and color varieties.